Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Daily Dose, Wednesday May 20

Hope had a much better day today. She didn't need any sedation all day. She had a few small dips with her oxygen saturations but was able to pull herself back up and out of them.

Hope's bottom is still a bit raw so her nurse ordered up some special "Riley Butt Cream". It has special ointments and painkillers in it to hopefully help her be more comfortable.

Hope has decided to try and make up for all of the days early on in her hospital stay when she didn't gain very much weight. She had another big weight gain today and weighed in at 3,730 grams today - 8 pounds 3 ounces!!

Hope spent some special time cuddling with daddy this morning. Daddy had to go out of town to take care of some business. Hope is going to miss him very much but will try to be on her best behavior until her comes back.

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