Thursday, May 7, 2009

Daily Dose: Thursday, May 7


Hope was a bit touchy today. They decreased her pain medication which meant when she was awake she felt a bit uncomfortable. She has been weaned off the ventilator settings so she no longer gets breaths from the ventilator, just pressure support when she initiates a breath. Her pressure support was taken down one notch today and hopefully will continue to lower the support one point each day and see how she tolerates it.

Hope got some good snuggling time with both Mommy & Daddy. She still hasn't seen Grandma & Grandpa R this week since the hospital is closed down because of the pig disease, oops, sorry, that wasn't very politically correct. Because of the "H1N1 virus".

Today is Hope's 5 month birthday!! In the picture you can see that Mommy is reading a book to Hope. It is a book called "The Night that You were Born", very fitting for this birthday of Hope's. We can't wait to celebrate Hope's birthdays at home, eventually.... eventually.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 5 Month's Hope!! What a sweetie you are!
    Maybe your 6 month birthday will be in Grant, wouldn't that be awesome!!!

    Love and prayers to all,
    Carol Z.
