Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Daily Dose: Wednesday, March 4

Hope: day 87

Hope had a good day today. Her blood gasses this morning were good. There was positive growth on one of her blood cultures, but the doctors weren't sure which one it was so there was another one drawn today, hopefully that will come back with no growth.

Hope continues to be a strong competitor in the biggest fatty competition. She is at 1730 grams today and we are pretty sure that is a semi-accurate weight and not affected by her fluid retention from earlier this week.

Hope seems to be doing fairly well and is getting past her infection, but the doctor isn't sure about taking her off the vent just yet. We are hoping that tomorrow we'll have an update but probably not until the weekend. The doctor also said Hope needed to come off the ventilator before her feedings resume, so we anxiously wait for that.

Mommy got to snuggle with Hope for a couple of hours today. Daddy hasn't been snuggling because he had a bug of some sort and definitely didn't want to give it to Hope, but maybe later this week Daddy can get his snuggle in.

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled on your blog yesterday, and was up all night starting from the moment this beautiful child was born, up to the latest entry. Both my children was preme, but nothing like Hope, however I know the feeling of joy one moment and desperation the next. I wanted to take a minute and let you all know, I will keep Hope in my prayers as well as for strenghth with your family. we "Hope" she continues to gain weight. God bless
