Hope had another great day today. She was weaned on her ventilator settings and has been having great results with her blood gasses. Since she is one week out of surgery the nurses are trying to cut back on her sedation so she is awake more time.
Hope didn't take the feedings so well last night, so they were stopped, for now. Feedings will be tried again sometime soon. Hope's hematocrit was low as well and there were a few "episodes" so the doctors gave her a blood transfusion which should perk her up.
Hope got to snuggle with both Mommy & Daddy today. She is now up to 2520 grams, which is 20 grams up. She also has turned out to be quite the pisser. She had her heaviest diaper ever.... 132 grams. That is analogous to a 180 pound man making 5 pounds of urine in 4 hours.
Hope appears to be getting sick of her ET tube, finding more problems with that than with her belly. Hopefully the ventilator is gone in the next few days so we can get that ET tube out!!