Monday, December 29, 2008

Daily Hope: Monday

Hope: Day 22

The Daily Dose today is a picture of Hope's Dad helping to reposition her. Hope resumed her feedings today, which is great because that means she can get bigger and stronger!! The feedings are going well so we pray that continues. She is back onto room air with the ventilator and has continued to be weaned off the Dopamine (for blood pressure) but still has to take that. Her chest x-rays showed some regression, but overall things were doing better than yesterday.

According to very credible sources (Hope's mom and Grandpa), Hope misses her Aunt Em; however, she allegedly also misses Christmas Bear and Kwanzaa Zebra. Hope can live without Aunt Em, but take away her little friends and she gets mad!! Grandpa said that Hope was very active today, kicking and moving her arms around. In my opinion, she was totally throwing a temper tantrum because Aunt Em wasn't there. Yes, that's definitely what was going on. Aunt Em must go back very very soon!!


  1. Emily, your being there, any family being there, for Hope, is a wonderful thing. Hang in there all of you! She looks so precious. (and I can't help but wonder if that "silly" Santa hat didn't tickle and make her mad!) :)

  2. Emily,
    This is a great blog you have. I hope you print these out everyday and put them in some kind of a book for her to look through when she gets older. It will be really neat for her to look through it and see a day to day of her first few months of life with pictures everyday. On second thought, she may hold you to that safari to see the zebras :-) Hope and your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. May your new year be filled with lots of Hope :-)
