Monday, June 15, 2009

Daily Dose: Monday, June 15

Hope has already mastered the pout

Hope loves to be read to

Today was quite an exciting day for little Hope. The most exciting part was that Aunt Em was back !!! Aunt Em and Hope spent the entire afternoon together, snuggling, reading, talking (well Aunt Em did the talking and Hope listened, squeaking her approval or disapproval every now and then). Hope listened to a story about the ladybird (aka ladybug in Ireland) who got lost and had to find her way home.

Medically, Hope had other exciting things today. She tried a bottle for a few minutes and that went very well. Hope will be trying again tomorrow. Hope also had some play time on the floor, doing her exercises and tummy time.

Another exciting part of today was that Hope got to take a ride in her bed to a new room where she has a great window view. Hope's current room is getting redecorated, so she has been relocated but only temporarily, moving back tomorrow or the next day.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, Hope! You have that pout down, and you look adorable doing it! Great job with the bottle feedings, and enjoy your new view for a couple days!
    How exciting that Aunt Em is back! Maybe she'll stick around for a bit this time :)
    Hope to see you all soon!
    Caitlin Z
