It has been quite a month for Hope. Hope spent last week cuddling, playing and visitng with her Grandpa and Grandma Holtz who came to visit from North Carolina. They spent lots of time catching up and Hope was so very happy to see them again.
We were all enjoying the beautiful weather last week and Hope didn't want to miss out so we all ventured out for a walk one day. She wasn't too thrilled about having to wear a hat and bundle up but once she got her pretty new pink hat she didn't mind wearing a hat so much. We are all looking forward to the warmer weather so we can take more walks!
We have made a few more trips to Ann Arbor in preparation for the cochlear implants. Hope, Daddy & Mommy met with the surgeon on their last visit. So far there doesn't appear to be anything that would stand in the way of Hope receiving the implant. We are now just waiting for the final insurance approvals. Once we have those, we will have a couple more final appointments (to pick out the actual implant device and to have a final pre-op meeting with the surgeon) and then the surgery should be scheduled within a month after that.
Hope has several appointments this week. The big one is with the pulmonologist. After Hope's last appointment with the pulmonologist they said that if she was doing as well at this appointment as she was at the last, then they would consider lowering Hope's ventilator settings. This is a HUGE step forward; it will be the first time Hope's ventilator settings will have been lowered since she left the hospital. Pray that eveything goes well.
The other big news that Hope has is......HER FIRST TOOTH has popped through! Actually the second tooth popped through just this morning! She is on her way to a mouth full of pearly whites :)
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