Hard to believe it, but Hope turned FOUR last Friday!! Hope is having a really great time being a big sister to Lydia. They like to snuggle together, and Hope is getting used to someone else being around. Hope is still going to pre-school two days a week and she thinks it is the best thing. Ever. She has really great teachers and she has lots of little friends in class. They are all very excited to see each other when they get to school.
On her birthday, Hope got to go out to dinner, a buffet dinner, where she could try lots of different foods. She tried apple sauce, jello, banana pudding, mashed potatoes, ice cream and cream cheese frosting (off the top of a red velvet cupcake). She also tried cotton candy, and she REALLY liked that.
Hope loves being a big sister. Mainly because she has a new cuddle buddy.
On her birthday, Hope got to try a lot of new foods. Cotton Candy was a fast favorite!
One of Hope's cute birthday presents. Of course it has ladybugs on it
Hope is a giggly girl and she loves to laugh!
Before this picture was taken Lydia was trying to eat Hope's cheek. Shortly after this picture was taken, Hope decided she wanted to take a bite out of Lydia's head. Clearly they are best friends.